I believe the coaching journey is one of the most liberating modalities of the “self-help world” one can embark upon
Are you ready to get started?

Welcome to Eden Roc Coaching & Consulting!
Hi I’m Maryan, a leading life coach from Sydney with a strong passion for helping others become their most exceptional self.
I combine my coaching skills, wealth of life and personal experience to facilitate positive lasting change in people’s lives.

At Eden Roc Coaching & Consulting, I believe that through inner mastery and strength comes abundance in life!
I empower you to gain traction, meaning and purpose in your relationships, health, career/business and spiritual life, so that you feel happier more often, more connected, more abundant. Results begin to flow, and you find yourself back in the drivers seat of your life!
Using scientifically proven, cutting edge techniques, you will experience rapid results, an inner transformation, and you will begin to see a shift in your outer world, and notice a positive impact on those around you.
Offering private coaching and mentoring, personal development and leadership workshops, seminars, women’s and couples relationship retreats , creative visualisation processes and Pulse -single session decision sessions.
I also offer creative ideas and strategies for businesses to improve their staff and client experience, and potential sales.
Let’s move out overwhelm, habits and dissatisfaction, and bring in focus, strength and your love of life in!

Perhaps ask yourself if any of the following questions resonate with you?
- Are you a PARENT, feeling disenfranchised, disconnected, pulled in many directions, and feeling unfulfilled?
- Are you a MANAGER, who is so busy managing your team but personally struggling, on the brink of burn-out?
- Are you an ENTREPRENEUR who has a gift, but is stuck on how to make your product or service come to life?
- Are you in a RELATIONSHIP, and want more from it, or support in leaving?
- Has COVID thrown you out of balance, and you want to work on getting centered again and discover your own path forwards post pandemic?
- Do you have a good understanding of personal growth, and aware that you can change, but darn it you’re still doing that thing that keeps you stuck?
- Are you wanting mindset/emotional support as you release weight, or release a habit that no longer serves you?
- Are you considering a career transition?
- Do you need to talk things through with a professional, to gain perspective and clarity, and develop a roadmap to move forwards?
- Do you have that feeling you’re ‘never enough’, perhaps have challenges in expressing yourself, your needs and hearts desires?
- Would a reframe of a situation get you unstuck and into action?
- Do you need some personal development/communication knowledge, skills and tools to enhance your quality of life and relationships?
- Have you been in counseling, done a bunch of work on your past, and now feel ready to focus on your future and what that will look like
- Do you have persistent health issues that tend to show up when you’re stressed?
- Do you want to feel back in control of your life, be able to handle the challenges better and just get into the flow of things?
- Do you want creative and novel ways to manage your business or family?
- Are you open and ready to creating RAPID CHANGE using conscious and unconscious methods that are science based, leading edge techniques that incorporate principles of NLP, Qantum Physics, and Neuro Psychology?
What People Are Saying About Maryan...
Wouldn’t it be great, to put old thoughts, patterns, poor relationship habits, negative stories to bed and really begin to feel like your life matters, and that your time here on this earth is meant to feel fun and fulfilling!
Make no mistake my friend, YOU MATTER! Your contribution to those around you MATTERS!
How you ‘show up’ MATTERS!
Your FUTURE-SELF is possible AND can begin today!
Coaching IS your vehicle to get you the results you want!
I look forward to
working with you!